Monday, August 30, 2010

Spare Time

It's fall semester once again. I'm taking less hours and only have classes twice a week. For the first time in my college career I am not employeed which leaves me at my new home with a lot of spare time. I often refer to myself as "The girl who doesn't have time for spare time".... until now. I've always surrounded myself with positive people and positive activities. I've always made a point to never make a to do list or use a planner because I was most likely not ever going to follow it because something always comes up. For four years now I have lived on my own two states away from the place I call home. I have never allowed myself any spare time to relax, to reevaluate my life or to just sit in silence and enjoy it. I've constantly been on the go. Last semester I took 18 hours and worked a part time job, which left me absolutely exhausted by the time finals came. And here I am sitting at my house beginning a blog. This is proof of the fact that I have plenty of spare time on my hands. And I also hope that this is proof of the fact that my thoughts, wonders and hopes are worth reading. I hope to spend this semester further developing the "real me" that I've made so sure to keep busy so that I wouldn't have time to reevaluate. I hope to use this blog as a way to express the many reactions to things and people around me that have made me the woman I am today. I also hope this is just one well spent use of my spare time this semester. Enjoy!